Monday, March 29, 2010

Trefound Educare Workshop

On the 1st April 2010, Trefound Educare Sdn Bhd invited me to conduct 1 day workshop. This program will be focused on the coordination of the key functional areas......

 Herewith, the Itinerary of the workshop :

TREFOUND EDUCARE : Management Workshop 1
1 April  2010
Felda Residence Kuala Terengganu

Program Itinerary

8.30 am                    Session 1:     Introduction

-           Welcoming Speech, Trefound Educare CEO

-           Icebreaking

-           The concept of functional areas, job description and job analysis

9.45 am                    Refreshment

10.15 am                  Session 2:     Identify & Sharing the Functional Areas

-           Functional Areas Presentation by :
            Human Resource Department
            Academic Department
                                    -           Q & A

-           Brainstorming

12.45 pm                  Lunch / Break

2.15 pm                    Session 3:     Establish the Department Functional Areas

                                    -           Writing & Editing

3.30 pm                    Session 4:     Alignment & Endorsement

                                    -           Presentation of the TE Functional Areas

-           Finalizing the New Functional Areas

                                    -           Closing Speech by TE CEO

5.00 pm                    Refreshment / Session End

Saturday, March 27, 2010

DEMI MATAHARI ianya bukan sekadar lagu...

Sekarang baru aku tahu..lagu Demi Matahari yang selalu dinyanyikan oleh anakku, Insyirah, 6 tahun bukan sekadar lagu...ianya memerlukan penghayatan yang mendalam...ianya berkaitan dengan kehidupan sebagai hamba Mu di mukabumi ini.
ESQ Leadership Training pada 25-27 Mac 2010 yang lalu mengajar aku mengenali lagu DEMI MATAHARI,sebuah lagu yang di olah dari tafsir Quran Surah asy-syams iaitu surah matahari.

Peserta semua menyanyi dan sambil mengikuti gaya amat menusuk hati...ya ALLAH.. kebanyakkan peserta bergenang air mata kerana penghayatan yang mendalam tentang kekuasaan ALLAH swt ekoran dari keberkesanan modul yang diolah menggunakan kemudahan teknologi multimedia terkini. Inilah kali pertama dalam hidupku....satu trainig yang amat menusuk di kalbu. Amat terasa diri ini amat kerdil...masih banyak perlu dilakukan untuk mencapai mission statement yang abadi...............

Demi Matahari
Album : Di Pintu Langit
Munsyid : Snada

Demi matahari dan sinarnya di pagi hari
Demi bulan apabila ia mengiringi
Demi siang hari bila menampakkan dirinya
Demi malam apabila ia menutupi

Demi langit beserta seluruh binaannya
Demi bumi serta yang ada di hamparannya
Demi jiwa dan seluruh penyempurnaannya

Allah, Subhanallah … Allah, Subhanallah
Allah, Subhanallah … Allah, Subahanallah

Allah mengilhamkan sukma kefasikan dan ketaqwaan
Beruntung bagi yang mensucikan-Nya
Merugi bagi yang mengotori-Nya ... Subhanallah

Start Making Money - Email from

Hello Associate,
We noticed that you were accepted to the Associate Program several weeks ago but have yet to refer a sale. Here are a few quick and easy steps to help you get started:
1. Build a variety of links with the click of a button:
2. Use our widgets to show rich interesting content on your site:
3. Build a specialized Amazon store for your site using aStore:
4. Visit our Best Practices pages to get tips and ideas to help you sell products and drive traffic to your Web site:
We hope this information was helpful, and thank you for your participation in our program.
The Associates Program Staff Associates Program
P.S. If you've simply forgotten your password, click below:

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Man Behind the SCENE

This is the man who is responsibled on the documentation aspect of " Selangkah Mencorak Kehidupan" Program. Without him...there will be no story and history...



To MGT 300 students.......

Please register your blog address, group members and synopsis of the blog under the COMMENT section.

Registration is COMPULSORY


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Program Selangkah Mencorak Kehidupan

Program Selangkah Mencorak Kehidupan telah berjaya dilaksanakan dengan mencapai objektifnya yang tersendiri. Program anjuran pelajar Kursus MKT 310 ( Principle Of Public Relation) telah diadakan pada 20 Mac 2010 bertempat di Sekolah Tunas Bakti (Perempuan) Marang. Ianya melibatkan kira-kira 20 orang pelajar MKT 310 UiTM Kampus Kuala Terengganu dan 70 orang pelatih sekolah tersebut.

Program sehari ini dimulakan dengan senaman aerobik pada paginya dan seterusnya disusuli dengan aktiviti latihan dalam kumpulan. Secara tidak langsung ianya telah memupuk satu hubungan yang akrab antara peserta dan penganjur. Slot terakhir program adalah melibatkan acara sukaneka dan ianya berjalan dengan penuh keriangan.

Secara keseluruhannya program ini telah berjaya memupuk hubungan yang harmoni antara UiTM Kuala Terengganu dan Sekolah Tunas Bakti. Kehadiran program ini sedikit sebanyak merupakan permulaan "Selangkah Mencorak Kehidupan"

Sekalung-kalung tahniah kepada pelajar MKT 310 yang telah berjaya menganjurkan program ini dengan cemerlang. Semoga pengalaman dari program ini akan menyumbang ke arah kematangan pengetahuan dan pengalaman.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Satu Mercu Tanda Yang Hilang..........

Satu entiti yang telah hilang akibat peredaran masa dan tuntutan ke arah pembangunan anak bangsa....

Thursday, March 18, 2010

An Example of PUBLICITY

To all MKT 310 students....this is the recent example of PUBLICITY....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Today...this is the time to start our new segment of this class...blogging...

All the best to you all and I'm looking for the innovative and unique blog from all of you.

The best blog will be benchmarked by next semester students and hopefully this will become our aspiration to excel.


Monday, March 1, 2010

The Strength of PROTON: A Few Years Ago Review...

Proton has received a lots of award concerning about their product and organization. This awards bringing the synergy on the corporate and product image. Among the awards are :
            Reader’s Digest Trusted Brand 2006 – Gold Award for Car Category.
            Reader’s Digest Super Brand 2005 – Gold Award for Car Category.
Merdeka Millennium Endurance Race 2005 – 1st place Overall and Class ‘O’ Winner.
Malaysian Rally Championship 2005 – Overall class Winner P10 Category.
Malaysia Best Brand Award.
National Creativity & Innovation Award 2004.
*Proton WAJA – 4.5 stars out of 5 star rating for being the Most Economical and Greenest Sedan in Australia.

As a Government Linked Company, Proton is secured in term of financial capabilities. More over, as the 1st national automotive manufacturer they have more that 20 years of experience and backed by the more than 1000 vendors and intensive distributed the service and distribution outlet. As financial year ender 31st March 2006 indicated, the net value of asset is more than RM 5 billion while the liabilities is only about RM 2 billion.

PROTON’s ultra-modern manufacturing and assembly plant in Tanjung Malim has an annual installed capacity of 150,000 units and is capable of producing three different platforms and multiple variants. The plant currently produces the Gen.2 and Savvy models – two new platforms and products from the PROTON stable. The plant complex consists of engine, stamping, body assembly, painting and final assembly facilities, inclusive of end-of-line vehicle testing equipment that is fully integrated into PROTON’s Automated-Assembly Line Controller (PALC) application. While the Tanjung Malim Plant has the potential of assembling up to one million vehicles, to date, only 240 acres of the total 1,280 acres have been developed. A community of suppliers has developed in the vicinity of the plant complex ensuring effective and efficient logistics network. To date, more than 10 major modules and system suppliers are operating in the PROTON City Vendor Park.

PROTON had embarked on a project with the Lotus Group to develop a hybrid vehicle capable of running on either electricity or gasoline and others special projects that are focusing on technology development. This program aims to elevate the technology to a level that is on par with their global competitors by creating an alternative vehicle for the future which provides customers with better fuel economy, reduced emissions and uncompromising performance

The increase number of actual order by the various overseas markets were far in excess of the number shipped, the difference was due to constraints in the supply chain. There is no doubt that demand for PROTON cars in the overseas markets exists. As such, looking forward into FY2007, the company anticipate a significant improvement in the number of PROTON cars sold overseas.


“Customer orientation” has been defined in various ways (Kohli, 1990;Narver, 1990; Webster, 1988). It is usually associated with other terminologies, such as “market orientation”, “customer focus”, “customer-driven”, and “customer-centred”. According to the definition Webster (1994), “customer orientation” is the business of putting the customer first in everything the company does, and organizing all activities around the basic objective of delivering superior values.

From the perceptive of government (Customer Carter ,Public Civil Services Department 2008 ) customer orientation should follow these elements:
1. Taking immediate actions
2. Accurate in decision making
3. Good customer services
4. Punctual in time
5. Fair in judgment making
6. Services and information are easier obtained and accurate
7. Consistent with the laws, policy and regulation.

The mission of Public Civil Services is “ customer satisfaction is our first priority “. Nevertheless the services provided must beyond the ordinary ( Ismail Alias 2008 ).

According to Periatt, ( 2007 ), employees’ customer orientation has received significant research attention for several reasons. First, customer oriented employees are expected to raise customer satisfaction by delivering outstanding performance. Second, the human resources perspective of internal marketing is based on the premise that creating satisfied and motivated employees is needed for success and organizations should treat each employee as an internal customer. Human resource practices are expected to affect internal customer orientation significantly and positively and managers have been urged to “focus on customer oriented attitudes when hiring new employees”.